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The Hundred Loves of JulietThe Hundred Loves of Juliet

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Book Descriptions :

When Helene was young, she dreamed of the perfect man and filled her notebooks with stories about him and about love in its purest form. But after a messy divorce, she has let go of such naive fantasies. She has moved to a small town in Alaska, where she is ready to write her novel and build a new life without romance. Fate has other plans, though.Helene soon meets Sebastien Montague, a handsome fisherman who is her invented hero made flesh, down to the most idiosyncratic details. But how can a man she created possibly exist in the real world?While Helene tries to discover the truth behind his existence, Sebastien is determined to keep that truth from her, for he is a man scarred by serial tragedy, hiding a secret that has broken his heart time and again. Yet the shadows of the past emerge, endangering Helene and Sebastien's future before it even begins--and it becomes clear that it won't be easy to forge a new ending to the greatest love story of all time.A woman fleeing her .

Book Details :

Author : Evelyn Skye

Pages : 336 pages

Publisher : Del Rey Books

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 61058376-the-hundred-loves-of-juliet

ISBN-13 : 9780593499245


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