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Light Bringer (Red Rising Saga, #6)Light Bringer (Red Rising Saga, #6)

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Book Descriptions :

Darrow returns as Pierce Brown?s New York Times bestselling Red Rising series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dark Age.?The measure of a man is not the fear he sows in his enemies. It is the hope he gives his friends.??Virginia au Augustus The Reaper is a legend, more myth than man: the savior of worlds, the leader of the Rising, the breaker of chains. But the Reaper is also Darrow, born of the red soil of Mars: a husband, a father, a friend. The worlds once needed the Reaper. But now they need Darrow. Because after the dark age will come a new age: of light, of victory, of hope. .

Book Details :

Author : Pierce Brown

Pages : 682 pages

Publisher : Hodder & Stoughton

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 29227774-light-bringer

ISBN-13 : 9781473646803


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